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A New Constitution
A Blueprint for the Liberation of Humanity

By Greg Samples
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Chapter 1: Constitution and Condition

The Constitution of the United States of 1787 was a magnificent accomplishment. Better than any before it, it codified to an extent the principles of human rights averred in the 1776 Declaration. Yet, it was sorely lacking in many aspects, most obviously by the slavery issue, but also in many others not so apparent. The advancement of civilization in the last 230 years has brought many of those aspects into focus. At the time of its ratification in 1789, there was no threat of nuclear disaster or environmental destruction. There was no widespread drug abuse, genetic engineering, deteriorating public health, or mind control of the people by mass media. Communication, trade and transportation between the original 13 colonies was much slower than for the entire globe today. The ability and willingness to adapt is the key to the survival of any species or society. Any entity which can adapt to a constantly changing world around it has the potential to survive, and any which cannot will surely perish. Whether or not Americans as a people have a willingness to do so remains to be seen.

The destiny of a nation is determined by the wisdom - the soundness of judgment - of the people governing it. Even a weak system of government can flourish if the person or persons responsible for governing judges wisely. Thus, a weak system such as a dictatorship or monarchy, when led by someone wise, can bring fortune to a nation. But in such systems, it takes only one person, the monarch, losing their sound judgment to bring misfortune to the nation, which is virtually certain to happen if power is passed on according to inheritance rather than merit. The monarch or dictator and his family, even the wise ones, are always wealthy, have many servants, rich food, and advantageous opportunities. Thus the offspring are not required to face many hardships and difficulties. Difficulties tend to foster self-development and the achievement of our greatest potential. Eventually then, monarchies have a tendency toward becoming weaker, unenlightened and foolish. In the final extreme, eventually a pampered, foolish, tyrant rises to power, and the nation sinks into misfortune, poverty, and the possibility of revolution.

Democracy has many advantages over monarchies. Strength and stability result when the people govern themselves, and it is not easy for a large portion of the people, especially a majority, to quickly become weak and foolish by living gluttonous, pampered, unhealthy lifestyles, normally affordable only by the rich. Because of the conditions of strength and hardiness of the people, coupled with a strong constitution provided by the founding fathers, America has enjoyed the most prosperous two-hundred years known to modern history. But everything changes. The industrial revolution and the information age, (not to be confused with the age of truth) have provided an environment whereby an overwhelming percentage of society has access to rich food, conveniences, and advantages previously only accessible by the upper levels of society. Although it is possible to prudently use these modern advantages and still maintain sound judgment, the tendency is to abuse them, and thereby, after a few generations, to lose sound judging ability. Unfortunately, because Americans have chosen to abuse this wealth, American government, the government of the people, has lost its sound judgment. This is a difficult position to be in. In a monarchy, sound judgment is easy to lose, but also easy to regain, since only one person needs to regain it or to be replaced. In a democracy, sound judgment is much more difficult to lose, but also more difficult to regain, since the majority of the people must all make fundamental changes.

Society as a whole is merely a reflection of the condition of its makeup, the individuals. The physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well being (the comprehensive health) of individuals determines the condition of all structures of human civilization. Healthy individuals produce harmonious families. A collection of harmonious families produces peaceful, prosperous communities, which result in stable nations. If the majority of individuals have lost their personal health, spirit, will, and judging ability, that society is bound to collapse regardless of the strength of the system or constitution being used.

The health and judgment of a people is reflected in the number of laws that they require. Thus, the healthiest society requires no laws, with each person intuitively making sound judgments using their own conscience. Such societies can only be found in mythology or in remote areas of the world which are rich in natural resources but not under the influence of the industrial revolution. The teachings of Jesus reflect soundness of judgment in the need for only two laws, to love God and love your neighbor. Buddhism is based on five moral codes of self discipline. Originally, Moses required only ten laws. American society today requires so many laws that no one can keep up with them. Though our constitution is strong, our condition is on the brink of destruction.

Physically, Americans have more illness than ever before. Rates of degenerative disease such as cancer, hearth disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, and autoimmune disorders are at or near all time highs. While some communicable diseases are alleged to have been controlled, faith in the established medical community is waning.

Emotionally, Americans are becoming more unstable, with epidemic levels of divorce, family violence, and strained relationships in businesses and friendships. Dependence on extreme substances to keep emotions in check continually increases, which in the long run degrades both physical and mental health.

Socially, after centuries of slow progress, Americans have reverted to trends toward isolationism, intolerance, and segregation with regard to persons different from themselves. This disdainful view may be based on race, ethnic origin, religion, financial status, sexual orientation, political outlook, or intellect. In some instances, the worthiness of a human being has been seen merely in terms of citizenship in a particular nation. When individuals weaken, cracks can be seen in the political and economic structures. America is now experiencing an economy built on debt and inflated values, and politicians are beginning to play on people’s fears rather than on principles of freedom and justice.

These factors have combined to create a crisis of spirit in America. Widespread fear and insecurity provide an atmosphere in which the most precious resource, freedom, is placed on the trading block for any degree of security. The fallacy of this trade, however, lies in the realization that once freedom and rights are relinquished, there is nothing left to protect people from those who are providing the security, and eventually the people once again fall into oppression, poverty, and misfortune.

When mankind is in the natural state, without any kind of social compact or government, it experiences complete freedom, just as all other animals are constantly experiencing on this planet. This freedom is very desirable, and without it mankind can never be completely happy. But through civilization and social compact, mankind agrees to relinquish at least a part of this freedom in order to increase the amount of security experienced. The amount of freedom necessary to be relinquished in order to obtain a certain amount of security increases proportional to the loss of sound judgment by the people. Today, many Americans live in such fear of crime, violence, undesirable speech and publications, sexual expression, substance abuse, and misunderstood religious practices that they have become willing to relinquish many of the rights and freedoms secured for them in the Constitution. But this willingness is misguided, and lacking sound judgment in itself. Rather than weaken the Constitution, the goal should be to strengthen the condition of the people.

At a time when the condition of the individual is weakened, there is an attempt made by some to weaken the Constitution, giving government more power. Religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom from unwarranted government harassment, the right to bear arms to protect oneself, and other rights have all been attacked by one group or another. This is analogous to a person with an immune system gone awry, attacking itself along with opportunistic parasites. Rather, at this time, if anything, the Constitution should be strengthened in the hope that the nation can survive until the people willingly one by one improve their condition, and thereby their judgment.

A new strengthened Constitution should be clearly, simply, stated so that anyone can understand it. It should ensure basic freedoms and human liberties. It should protect all people on earth from government excesses, including those of elected officials. It should clearly define the roles and limitations of government. It should promote the voluntary unity of all humankind, and should not discriminate by age, gender, race, or any other distinction. It should be written with faith in humanity, and with an ultimate faith in Supreme Justice, beyond the realm of human determination.

The Constitution presented in the following pages is written with these goals in mind. In areas where the 1787 Constitution is in no need of change, it is kept intact, often word for word. The new Constitution serves to strengthen our freedom, but only the willingness of the people to make personal fundamental changes can ultimately preserve that most cherished commodity.

Chapter 2

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Future of Freedom Foundation
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