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Vaccine Awareness By Greg Samples 10/15/19There is much controversy today around the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. On the one hand, vaccines are purported to be beneficial in protection against contagious diseases, especially those often experienced in childhood. Conversely, they can also be seen as harmful and injurious to the body and the immune system. If the latter is more correct, continued and increased use could lead to a biological and social cataclysm in future generations. It is claimed that the scientific community has established that vaccinations are safe and effective. Of course this is not at all a universal conclusion, as there are those who disagree, and even the most staunch supporters would admit that there have been instances where catastrophic events have been caused by an immunization. At the same time, each generation seems to get a little less healthy. Many diseases that were rare or didn’t exist 50 years ago are prevalent today, some even epidemic. While it is true that correlation does not automatically indicate causation, and other factors certainly exist, what is clear is that these increases are the result of increased toxicity, whether it be from diet, environment, immunizations, or other sources. It is also clear that the earlier the age that toxins are introduced, including in the womb, the greater potential effect on the organism. There are many factors that go into the effectiveness of a human immune system, including proper nutrition and toxic overload. Generally, adults have stronger immune systems than infants because immune systems need to be constructed. When toxic immune inhibitors are introduced in the early stages of immune construction, the system is weakened, possibly for a lifetime. For example, naturally occurring immunity generally offers a lifetime of protection, whereas artificial immunity does not, often requiring booster shots. The long term effect vaccinations have on the immune system likely includes increased rates of cancer, auto-immune disorders, and nervous system disorders. Vaccines work on the principle that a weakened pathogen introduced to the body will cause the immune system to create antibodies, which once produced are easily and quickly replicated, thus allowing a quick response to any encounter with the wild virus in the future. This is indeed how natural immunity works, but along with the weakened viruses, a vaccination also includes chemical adjuvants and preservatives, which are toxic. Some of the most toxic are aluminum, mercury (thimerosal), and formaldehyde, as well as aborted fetal cells. A complete list of ingredients for each vaccine can be found here. Vaccines are the only drug in America which are not required by law to furnish a manufacturer’s packaging insert to the patient. These inserts include information on the ingredients, contraindications, adverse events, safety studies, and side effects of the drug. You can, however, find them here. The immune response resulting from a vaccine is different from a natural immune response. Normally, when exposed to a pathogen, the body will have both a TH1 and a TH2 response. A TH1 response results in Killer T cells which destroy virus infected cells and therefore their ability to reproduce. A TH2 response creates antibodies which aid macrophages in identifying and destroying the viruses outside the cells. In a vaccine induced response however, the TH1 is lacking, therefore any viruses that get by the antibody defense and into the cells can reproduce. Once out of the cells they can be tagged and destroyed by the antibody defense, but any that get past and into another cell can reproduce again, so it is possible to end up with a chronic case of the disease which never fully manifests, but does use up immune system resources, thus suppressing the entire system. Here you will find a full discussion of this event. Beyond compromised immune response due to artificial rather than natural exposure, there are numerous ingredients in vaccines that are toxic. ALUMINUM Aluminum can be toxic to body organs and can cause neurological damage. Aluminum buildup has been implicated in Alzheimer disease and also linked to autism. This blog discusses aluminum and autism at length with supporting links. MERCURY (Thimerosal) Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known. A form of mercury called thimerosal was used in many vaccines until it was removed from most, but it is still an ingredient in a few. Like aluminum, it is a neurotoxin and has been implicated in autism. Very little study has been done on the synergistic effects of mercury and aluminum together. Here you will find a description of how devastating it could be. OTHER TOXINS Also found in vaccines are substances suspected of being damaging to organs such as ammonium sulfate (liver, nerve, and respiratory systems), beta-propiolactone (cancer), gelatin from cattle skin (allergic reactions), antibiotics (allergic reactions, possibly life threatening), GMOs (possible genetic mutations) glutaraldehyde (birth defects), formaldehyde (probably carcinogen) aborted fetal tissue, animal organ cells, latex rubber (allergic reactions), viri and bacteria (the polio vaccine was contaminated with a monkey virus), MSG (a neurotoxin), and polysorbate 80 (know to cause cancer in animals). Even if there is not a clear and distinct immediate reaction to these toxins, the long term effect, especially of multiple vaccines, cannot be known. SOCIETAL CONCERNS Protection of the immune compromised and "herd immunity" are two reasons given for making vaccines mandatory. It is proposed that everyone must have vaccines in order to protect those that cannot take them for medical reasons from the diseases. But the reality is that often those who have recently had the vaccine are more likely than others to actually spread the disease through shedding. Live vaccine viruses, which include chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox and others can be shed and transfer to others for weeks after vaccination. Moreover, vaccine immunity does not last a lifetime, unlike natural immunity, so there is no guarantee that a vaccinated person is any less likely to spread the disease than an unvaccinated person. Moreover, outbreaks of previously controlled diseases often occur among the vaccinated. Here is just one example with measles. Vaccines that are not live viruses, such as diphtheria, pertussis, and polio, can still cause the vaccinated to become asymptomatic carries whenever exposed to the wild virus, therefore the vaccinated can be spreading the illness without knowing it at any time. As the CDC states, "An asymptomatic carrier state can exist even among immune individuals." Herd immunity is the concept that as the percentage of individuals who have immunity increases, the likelihood of a person contracting the illness diminishes, since they become less likely to come into contact with the pathogen. While this is mathematically true, there is a vast difference between natural immunity and vaccine induced immunity for a variety of reasons. Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, explains here why herd immunity via vaccination is largely a myth. MORTALITY RATES
The idea that vaccines have saved an enormous amount of lives is an outright falsehood. Mortality rates for typical childhood diseases all had dropped dramatically BEFORE the vaccines were publicly introduced due to improved nutrition, hygiene, and treatment, as the graph to the right for measles demonstrates. While higher mortality rates in third world countries still persist, this is largely due to malnutrition and lack of clean water and sewer systems, but this is improving. Due in part to the expansion of energy systems, millions of people in third world countries have been lifted out of poverty in the last 25 years. As this continues, the mortality rates of those nations will decrease correspondingly, without the toxins and life altering adverse effects of vaccines. VACCINE SCHEDULE The number of vaccines in the recommended schedule continues to grow even though there has never been a study on the cumulative effects. A person born in 1950 received very few vaccines. A person born in the late 1980s typically received only 8 vaccines, 5 via injection and 3 orally, for a total of 17 doses. Today, children on the CDC schedule receive 50 injections and 70 doses. This is done without questioning why 1 in 13 have allergies, one in 10 have asthma, and 1 in 36 have autism, 1 in 20 have seizures, and 15,000 per year are diagnosed with cancer. Vaccines have also been correlated with SIDS, which has virtually been eliminated in Sweden and Japan with the withdrawal of the pertussis (DTaP) vaccine. According to the CDC, SIDS is responsible for about 3,500 deaths per year in the US. OUTBREAKS Every time there is an outbreak of some contagious disease, usually measles, the press leads a panic as if it were a national disaster. As noted above, there is really not much to worry about, in fact it can be seen as a benefit to those affected, bestowing on them life long immunity. These outbreaks are incessantly blamed on the unvaccinated, or the idea that not a large enough percentage of the population has been vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. But the reality is that often many, and sometimes most, of the affected have been vaccinated, which challenges the effectiveness of the vaccine. One would necessarily have to receive booster shots, and since even those who do achieve immunity have no guarantee of sustaining it, one would need to get booster shots for the rest of their life. Here is just one of many examples of outbreaks among the vaccinated. AUTISM Research published by the FDA states that neonates with impaired kidney function who receive aluminum at greater rates than 4-5 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system toxicity. Multiple studies have suggested that aluminum in the brain is the cause of autism spectrum disorders. Average babies weighing around 12 pounds at their 2 month check up receive 1,225 mcg of aluminum via vaccines, and 4,925 mcg by 18months. The claim that vaccines have nothing to do with autism is not founded in reality. As the number of vaccines has increased, the number of autism spectrum cases has skyrocketed, today reaching as many as 1 in 36. ALLERGIES An allergy is an exaggerated immune response to a stimulus. There are two aspects to the immune system. One is the innate aspect, which we are born with, and the other is the acquired aspect, which is developed over time. We can think of allergies as a misconstruction of the acquired immune system. For example, suppose at a young age you consume wheat bread that contains toxic food additives. The immune system responds and learns to attack this toxin now and in the future. However, since the toxin was combined with the flour in the bread, it may at the same time learn to attack the grain whenever it is present as well. The result may be a wheat allergy. What items are included in vaccines that we see allergic reactions to? Eggs, casein, gluten, soy, peanut, MSG, cow, pig, monkey, dog, horse, insect, formaldehyde, antibiotics, and latex are all ingredients or contaminants in modern day vaccines. Some of the allergic reactions to these substances are anaphylactic, therefore life threatening. AUTO-IMMUNE DISORDERS Vaccines work by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies to diseases by administering protein fragments made from the viruses that are associated with each disorder. It is hoped that the protein fragments will trigger an adequate immune response to protect the body from coming down with the full-blown illness. A problem not widely known is that the foreign protein fragments that enter the body can lodge in body cells where they can trigger an attempt to get rid of them. This then can become an auto-immune disorder depending on where the viral protein fragments get absorbed into the body cells. Autoimmune disorders such as MS, Hashimoto disease, asthma, fibromyalgia, lupus, alopecia, sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynauld’s Syndrome, juvenile diabetes, celiac disease, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and psoriasis are all possible conditions created by an improper immune response due to vaccinations. CANCER While there are an abundant number of reasons for cancer both in the environment and in our diets, the possibility of vaccines’ suppression of the immune system contributing to the 38% increase in the rate of childhood cancer since 1975 cannot be discarded. VACCINE INJURIES Vaccine injuries, or adverse events, can be anything from mild reactions to severe bleeding eczema, speech regression, learning disabilities, seizures, and death. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed in 1986 granted legal immunity to drug manufacturers from vaccines. It also established a special court without a jury (in violation of the 7th Amendment) which injured parties can sue, but if they do manage to win in an extremely adversarial environment, it is the US taxpayers that pay the award, not the manufacturers. So far, over 3 billion dollars has been paid out in Vaccine Court due to injuries. NATURAL IMMUNITY It has been well known for decades that malnutrition has a negative effect on the immune system. Worldwide, infections and starvation have gone hand in hand for centuries. More recently it has been found that deficiencies in various vitamins and minerals could cause the immune system to function at less than optimum capability. While it is always a good idea to avoid contact with obviously contagious people, the reality is that we are constantly exposed to microbes of various kinds. Whether or not we succumb to them is largely dependent upon the strength of the immune system, which can fluctuate depending upon our daily fare. A well balanced diet can ensure that we have all the nutrients we need. But there are certain foods that are now known to assist the immune system in its constant struggle to protect the body. Known antibacterial foods include garlic, turmeric, coconut oil, horseradish, and ginger. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and pickles contain beneficial bacteria that are themselves a large part of the immune system. When raw honey is used as a sweetener, an enzyme it contains can be a catalyst for the production of hydrogen peroxide, which is a known antiseptic. An extract of shiitake mushrooms stimulates the body to produce interferons which inhibit viral multiplication even before antibodies have been made, and are also anti cancer substances. Nutrients and antibacterials, however, are not the whole equation. Possibly even more important than what you consume is what you avoid. Mucus forming foods provide an environment that is sublime for the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. Dairy products and flour products, especially refined flour, are the two most mucus forming foods, and they create a lush breeding ground for bacteria. Add to this the depletion of minerals caused by the consumption of refined sugar and the environment is perfect for viral infections. Lastly, thorough chewing of whole grains and vegetables will provide alkalinity from the saliva produced to further strengthen the entire immune system. If an infection occurs, following the above recommendations not only can shorten the duration, but it can also make the experience much more comfortable. You will likely experience less congestion, less pain and soreness, and less fatigue. In addition, you can assist your body in replacing cells damaged by the infection by providing it with easily digestible protein such as soft tofu in a salty broth, made with either miso or a traditional soy sauce such as tamari or shoyu. You can’t do much about your external environment and the pathogens you will find there, but you can make your internal environment a place that viruses and bacteria will not be welcomed. Then you can breathe a sigh of relief as deeply as you want. THE FUTURE It is clear that vaccines have already had a degenerative effect on the nation’s health. There are currently 271 new vaccines going through the approval process, and all of them will contain the same toxicity and risks that the ones already approved have. Unless many more Americans become aware of the dangers and risks, future generations could experience a catastrophic health crisis that not only could make degenerative conditions epidemic, but usher in an economic calamity as well.
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