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COVID-19 Comprehensive Approach

By Greg Samples


An infection occurs when a microorganism enters the body and causes harm. This could be from bacteria, fungi, or other types of microorganisms, but by far the most numerous type is that of viruses. Most viruses are submicroscopic entities, meaning they are too small to be seen with an optical microscope and can only be visualized with an electron microscope. There is no consensus on whether viruses are a life form. They exist as genetic material wrapped in a protein covering, but do not have a cellular structure, which is considered the basic unit of life. They have been regarded as organisms at the edge of life. Viruses can be found wherever there is life, and have likely existed for as long as there has been life. They are thought to be a means of the transference of genes between species, which plays a role in evolution. Viruses are more abundant than all other biological entities put together and they infect all types of life -- plant, animal, bacterial, and fungal. Some affect only one species, while others can infect a range of species. They play a role in virtually all aspects of life, from the regulation of ecosystems to species diversity.

Viruses cannot reproduce outside the host cell since they do not have their own metabolism. Within the cell they can make multiple copies of themselves and eventually burst out of the cell, resulting in cell death. Each copy can then seek another cell to enter and reproduce. Symptoms of disease are not experienced until the viral load, the number of viruses within a particular host, reaches a significant amount. With or without symptoms, viruses can be shed from the host organism and encountered by other organisms in the environment.

In the 19th century, an ongoing debate between Louis Pasteur and Antione Bechamp resulted in the acceptance of germ theory (Pasteur), and the rejection of terrain theory (Bechamp) by the medical community. This is unfortunate because terrain theory is correct. Germs were deemed the enemy and the cause of disease. Ironically, most bacteria are very beneficial and necessary for human function, and viruses, as we have seen, are essential for all life on earth. How can these be our enemy? Conversely, Bechamp believed that germs were scavengers of weakened or poorly defended tissue.

While virtually everyone is inevitably exposed to a particular virus, their experience of it is dependent upon how their immune system is functioning, and upon the condition of their internal environment. A well functioning immune system can eliminate the virus from the host without the host ever experiencing any symptoms. This occurs when the immune system encounters a virus that it has responded to previously, which enables it to quickly multiply antibodies and killer T cells before the virus can significantly reproduce, and can also occur when the immune system is not suppressed by other degenerative diseases or toxins in the body. In the case of a virus that has not been encountered before, it can take more time for the immune response to be sufficient, and therefore increased viral load and its corresponding symptoms are more likely to occur, but a well functioning immune system will still eliminate the virus.

If, however, the internal environment of the host is in the proper condition, it may not even be necessary to rely on the immune system. Human viruses are pH sensitive. They do not thrive in alkaline conditions. If the intercellular fluid of the host is alkaline, viruses will not be able to survive and enter the cells. The intercellular fluid pH is the result of the metabolism of what we consume. Thus, an alkaline forming diet is the best defense against a viral infection, and we intuitively turn to it when we do experience a viral infection, as we may prefer to fast, or consume only salty broths.

Corona is a Latin word meaning crown. Corona viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes in our mouth, nose, and other openings. To infect us they must overcome the defenses of our immune system, which stands ready to do battle. The typical individual encounters 60 trillion bacteria a day and 380 trillion viruses. Losing only one battle would be fatal. Our defense is made up of two divisions, the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.

A typical virus has a size of only .2 microns. The pores of our skin are between 250-500 microns, large enough for any of the trillions of viruses that we encounter daily to enter. But the pores of our skin are filled with sweat and salt, an alkaline condition. Because of this alkalinity in our pores, an infection can only enter the battlefield of our body through the skin if there is an opening resulting from a cut or a sore. That is why a virus must enter the body through our mucous membranes, such as those present in the mouth or nose. Even there, salty saliva and tears provide an alkaline barrier to infection. The gums and tongue are constantly bathed in saliva, even when we are not eating. But certain foods we eat can transform this alkaline environment into an acidic one that makes the mucous membranes vulnerable. Carbohydrates are digested in the mouth by saliva. Sugar, dairy, and flour products create an acidic environment that allows viruses to enter the body through the mucous membranes. When this happens the innate immune system secretes histamines which create mucus in an attempt to block the virus. This results in discomfort, but it is the natural reaction of the body to a pathogen. If we then take an antihistamine, we are actually suppressing the immune system.

Once a virus has made inroads in the mouth or nose, two lymphatic organs exist to stop it at the onset, the tonsils and adenoids, protecting the digestive and respiratory tracts respectively. Of course if one or both of these organs have been surgically removed, that results in another immune deficiency, and the likelihood of the virus invading the blood stream. Once in the blood stream, substances such as properdin initiate action, which pulls immune cells to infection sites. Defensin removes foreign substances and dead cells, and interferon, a type of cytokine, initiates the adaptive immune system, also known as the acquired immune system, which entails memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, leading to enhanced response to subsequent encounters. Interferon was once thought to be a promising treatment for cancer, but the rejection by the body of artificial interferon limited its effectiveness. However, substances in shiitake mushrooms are known to stimulate natural production.

Memory B-cells and memory T-cells inherit the gene that enables them to reproduce quickly, leading to long-lived immunity. B-cells are monoclonal, enabling them to multiply exponentially. B-cells secrete antibodies, which kill the pathogen. Killer T-cells induce the death of host cells that have been infected by the pathogen, rendering them unable to reproduce. T-helper cells induce B-cells to make antibodies. Most T-cells die with the resolution of the infection, with a few remaining as memory cells to be available in the event of future encounters with the pathogen. This is immunity to a specific pathogen.

It should be noted that the immunity resulting from a vaccine is different from a natural immune response. Normally, when exposed to a pathogen, the body will have both a TH1 and a TH2 response. A TH1 response results in Killer T cells which destroy virus infected cells and therefore their ability to reproduce. A TH2 response creates antibodies which aid macrophages in identifying and destroying the viruses outside the cells. In a vaccine induced response however, the TH1 is lacking, therefore any viruses that get by the antibody defense and into the cells can reproduce. Once out of the cells they can be tagged and destroyed by the antibody defense, but any that get past and into another cell can reproduce again, so it is possible to end up with a chronic case of the disease which never fully manifests, but does use up immune system resources, thus suppressing the entire system.

It should be noted that the corona virus resulting in the disease known as COVID-19 is not unlike other corona viruses that have been around for centuries. What is different about it is that it is new, therefore the adaptive immune system must start from scratch with it. That is not in itself a problem, as at some point our immune systems started from scratch with every virus we have ever encountered, but the difference is we usually do that at a young age. T-cells are so named because they originate in the thymus gland. T-cell means thymus derived. The thymus takes stem cells from our bone marrow and turns them into T-cells designated for a specific pathogen. The thymus is unlike other organs in that it is largest at birth, and gradually diminishes both in size and function as we age. By the time we are elderly, it may be reduced to merely scar tissue. This is the problem for older people with regard to the novel corona virus. They may have lost their ability to create novel T-cells, and therefore have lost immune function to a novel virus. This is not a problem for previously encountered viruses, since the memory T-cells would still exist, and therefore the ability to create antibodies is intact. But for a novel virus, there may be no immune defense.

This situation makes it extremely important for older individuals, or those with suppressed immune systems for other reasons, to avoid flour, dairy, and sugar and thus maintaining an alkalinity around the mucous membranes, thereby avoiding the need for an immune response. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage nourish the thymus gland.

If the antibodies and macrophages in the blood are not successful in abating the virus, the lymphatic system springs into action. Lymph nodes may swell indicating the infection has advanced from local sites to system wide. The lymphatic system circulates through the body carrying T-cells as lymphocytes and salt water. Since the lymphatic system has no pump like the heart in the circulatory system, it depends upon gravity and movement of the body to pump the lymphatic fluid. A small rebounder, or trampoline, is ideal for inducing upward movement.

If infection spreads further, the hypothalamus produces fever, which tells the whole body that it is under attack. Body cells become active and produce heat. Heat inhibits microbial activity and multiplication. Body enzymes become most active between 102 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. All organs become more active. The appendix is also lymphoid tissue and provides defense in the digestive tract.

In the event that none of the above is successful in abating the advance of the infection, the body activates small proteins known as cytokines. If we think of antibodies and killer T-cells as soldiers identifying and killing the enemy, we can think of cytokines as bomber pilots, indiscriminately killing friend and foe alike. If over activated, they can result in what is known as a cytokine storm, resulting in inflammation, damage, organ failure, and death.

The cause of immune system failure at any stage along the way is nutritional deficiency. The adaptive immune system is constructed from the day we are born as we encounter pathogens in our environment. But even after construction it must be maintained. The raw materials we maintain it with come from the foods we consume.

  • Magnesium modulates the immune system and decreases cytokine activation. It can be found in whole grains, nuts, and vegetables.
  • Vitamin B3 inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines. Found in beans.
  • Vitamin D modulates the immune system and calcium metabolism; calcium is an alkaline forming element. The best source is unrestricted sunshine, at least 15 minutes per day, full face, without sun screen.
  • Vitamin A forms a carotine barrier around your cells. Found in yellow, orange, and purple vegetables.
  • Vitamin C is a free radical scavenger. Found in fruits, and leafy greens. Greens should not be allowed to boil more than 3 minutes, as the vitamin C is destroyed if boiled longer.
  • Iodine attaches to omega 3 around your cells to ward off microbes. Found in sea vegetables and sea salt.
  • Zinc destroys the viral membrane. Found in whole grains, beans, and nuts.
  • Anti-oxidants creates oxygen rich environment, which is necessary for alkalinity. Most vegetables, miso, tamari, and fruits eaten whole are alkaline forming.
  • Iron transports oxygen throughout the blood. Best sources are sea vegetables.

Most western people get those nutrients in their standard diet. But getting them is only half of the equation. Keeping them is just as important, so it is necessary to also eliminate or limit immune system destroyers, which leach the above nutrients from your body.

Immune system destructors include:

  • Simple sugar is acid forming and nourishes microbes. It requires alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium to act as a buffer to its acidity, thereby robbing them of their normal functions.
  • Dairy is both mucus forming and acid forming.
  • Flour products are mucus forming, especially if not chewed thoroughly and mixed with saliva.
  • Excessive oil is not beneficial for circulation, both for the circulatory and lymphatic system.
  • Animal fat makes blood susceptible to bacterial growth and therefore uses up immune resources.
  • Any acid forming food reduces oxygen and quickens breathing.

By controlling the food you consume, you control the effectiveness of your immune system and with it control all viruses you encounter, including the novel corona virus. You control your life.

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